CS54 – Hiduron 130 – Pump impeller


The material for impellers in centrifugal and rotatory pumps must have in addition to sound mechanical strength, resistance to corrosion by the fluid pumped and resistance to erosion and cavitation which occurs in varying degrees according to the design and operating conditions of the pump.


For pumps handling all kinds of water, including contaminated waters and sea water, Hiduron 130 bronze has proved to have a very satisfactory combination of properties. In addition to high strength and ready machinability, Hiduron 130 (DIN 2.1504, DTD900/4805, Hidurax Special) possesses extremely good resistance to corrosion and outstanding resistance to cavitation and erosion. It has proved, by extensive use on pump duties over many years, to be ideal for such applications.


Whilst the most widespread application of Hiduron 130 in pumps is for handling sea water and contaminated waters, this alloy also has excellent resistance to sulphuric acid and many other dilute chemical solutions and has provided excellent service in many conditions in handling plant effluent.


If you’d like more information regarding Hiduron 130, please get in touch with a member our expert team today.

Project Overview:

  • Market Sector: Pumps, Valves and Seals
  • Material: Hiduron 130
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